As a music enthusiast, I can’t deny my love for Spotify and the convenience it brings. But as much as I love Spotify I feel like it encourages me at times to just flip through song after song. Too often, I find myself caught in the never-ending search for the perfect song to suit my mood.

Listening to vinyl forces me to slow down and enjoy the music the way the artist intended. It’s a slower deeper way of listening to music. When I settle down with a vinyl record, the physicality of the experience keeps me anchored in the present moment, making it more challenging to give into the digital distractions.

I love the experience of searching the record bins and talking with other enthusiasts building their collections. Even if I don’t always find what I’m looking for, stumbling upon unexpected records and discovering new artists adds an element of surprise and adventure to the process.

Vinyl records hold a unique charm that transports me to the past. Imagining the previous owners of a record, enjoying its music with friends and family, brings a sense of nostalgia and wonder. It’s an amazing reminder that music has the power to unite generations, carrying emotions and memories across time.